讲解注解东谈主:高婷(华中科技大学)jk 露出
技巧:2024年04月07日 11:00-
选录:Action functionals between two meta-stable states in stochastic dynamical systems are good tools to study the critical transitions and tipping. We will present our recent findings on tipping indicators based on the Onsager-Machlup action functional and Schrödinger bridge. The latter also extends the transition paths to be pathway measures between two given invariant manifolds. To validate our framework, we apply our methodology to some neural models as well as real brain datajk 露出, such as EEG and fMRI from epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.
简介:高婷于2015年得回伊利诺伊理工大学博士学位。她曾在好意思国MZ和Twitter的大数据居品设立部担任高档数据科学家和机器学习工程师。现履新于华中科技大学数学科学中心和数学与统计学院,主要有计划想法包括非高斯立时能源系统的识别、灵验能源学的预见与优化截止,以及在信息通讯、金融数学和脑科学中的利用。她已在SIAM系列期刊、Physica D、AMM等发表论文20余篇。